
Amazon One-Step Teak Cleaner - Gal.


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Amazon’s One-Step Teak Cleaner - Gallon

Amazon’s Environmentally friendly One-Step Teak Cleaner easily removes dirt, grease and grime from weathered teak. ACID FREE formula won’t harm fiberglass or damage the teak’s soft grain. Leaves surface smoother, enhancing the natural texture of the wood. For best results use a plastic handle scrubber pad for a more even cleaning of the teak’s surface. This will help reduce the “raised grain” problem. Never use a hard bristled brush or worse a power washer which can eat away the soft grain of the teak. Easy to use: wet the teak, wipe on, agitate, let sit on surface for 5 min. and flush off with fresh or saltwater. Acid Free and Biodegradable

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