Soundown Vinyl Foam Composite Insulation - 1" x 54" - Per Foot


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Soundown Vinyl Foam Composite Insulation - 1 inch

SOUNDOWN'’S Vinyl/Foam composite insulation is an effective treatment for airborne noise that radiates from engines, and other machinery. The standard composite consists of a layer of mass loaded vinyl sandwiched between two layers of polyether fire retardant foam covered by a thin attractive vapor barrier facing.The composite is designed and manufactured specifically for attenuation of sounds from machines such as engines, generators,pumps, and other marine equipment which may have significant base and mid-range frequency components. The construction centers the acoustic vinyl between equal thicknesses of foam, front and back.This configuration optimizes the mid and bass frequency sound isolation in comparison to other materials with only a thin foam layer on the backside; soley optimized for “tinier” high-frequency noise. Vinyl/Foam composite insulation from SOUNDOWN is available in a number of formats for optimal sound attenuation within the available space. Soundown is able to tune this attenuation by utilizing barrier material of 0.5 lb.,1 lb., 1.5 lbs., or 2 lbs. per square foot in our composites. In areas where hatch and bulkhead clearances do not allow the use of thicker composites you may substitute heavier barrier material so that performance is not compromised. Likewise, in weight critical applications,
lighter barriers may be used in thicker composites.

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